White frothy beach

The mirror is a tourist beach area Bedagai mainstay in SerdangNorth Sumatra, whichhas a length of coast about 27 Km2 of 95 KM2 long beach at the newly expandeddistrict of the regency Deli SerdangIn addition to its white sand is said to be a base material made ​​of glassmirror has a beautiful nautical beach with sparkling whitebeaches as the waves at large, has now been arranged and managed byprofessionals as a Tourist Destination Region (DTW)

Coastal Shark Catch Fishermen mirror 700 Kg

Villagers of the Right Coast MirrorMirror Coast DistrictSerdang Bedagai (Sergai),crowded locations Fish Auction Place (TPI) Chart on Tuesday (15 / 3) approximately08.00 pm.
Because the three fishermeneach Atan(35)Am (45)and Deni (24) Village residents Mirror Left Coastwith motor boats for fishing nets Bilis brought catches a fish shark skinned white spots slide type with a length of about 6 feet and weighs 700pounds.n FAPso the fish are still alive Sharks lowered and pulled to the ground using a ropetied in muncungnyaSoonpeople who heard gradually crowded location.
The third fisherman told reportersusing the netted fish Shark Mackerel fishing netson Tuesday (15 / 3) at approximately 2:00 pm, which is installed in the waters ofbeehive Fruit
BaySergai"Shark enter Mackerel fishing nets along the 1,000 meters with a fish Bilisafter a three-hour winds that occurred in the middle of the seabeehive Fruit," Atan said.
He said the fish into the shark nets are anchored on Monday (14 / 3) approximately at 18:00 pm, in the waters of Fruit beehiveThen with two units of other fishing boats,fishing boats drawn and inserted into the motor"Because it is still alive and hard topull itwe ask the help of other fishermenThen took him to the TPI"said the threefishermen who claimed to have never found a fish that big shark.
Once on the ground for a whilethe fish dieTogether with other fishermen andresidents watchedchoppedminced fishand then sold to toke fish in Bedagai,Tanjung BeringinSergaiFish meat sells for Rp 4 thousand per kilogramWhile thetail fin and the price is expected to reach hundreds of thousands of dollars perkilogram(mag-15/smg) (metrosiantar.com)

Attractions: Beaches Visitors raided the Mirror

Begin until H H +2 +4 locations Mirrors Coast region attractionsSerdang Bedagai(Sergai) invaded visitorsboth from within and outside the regionIt is estimated thattens of thousands of visitors come for vacation after Lebaran Idul Fitri 1430 H.
This vast visitor attractions make entrepreneurs flooded orderssome traders said in evasion no area of ​​the coast such as tire dealers, snacks, cendra eye and through the merits of the canoe fishermen reap a big profit.
Imbc watchlist localized on Wednesday (23 / 9) at approximately 14:30 pm, the queue is either two-wheeler riders and more noticeable on the road to area attractionsPerbaungan to the beach from the direction of the mirror.
One attraction is the marine who invaded visitors Beach Gudang Garamare dozens of beach huts which are provided around the edge of the beach is a place istirah, are covered by the visitorsEven the existing hotel on the beach Gudang Garam wasdiboking visitors since H-1.
"Yes, we are grateful this year's visitors have increaseddue to the many visitors whocan sustenance traders around the coastsuch as tire dealersfishermen with boatservicesfood traders and merchants also cendra eyes," said Awi manager GudangGaram Coast.In addition, the Theme Park Beach Mirror also overrun the visitors, althoughadmission reaches RP 70 thousand / persondid not make retroactively visitors to come to enjoy pasilitas provided Theme Park.
"Despite expensive ticketsapaboleh made ​​for the sake of the childrenbecauseinikan mumpung widths and we walk with the family once a yearso what harm webring the kids to enjoy pasilitas Theme Park," said resident Lubuk Pakam Lisbon with his family***

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